By Dr. Lindsey Tubaugh

There are two goals of treatment for anyone being seen for tinnitus or sound sensitivities (including misophonia, hyperacusis, phonophobia): 

  1. Provide relief of tinnitus and/or sound sensitivities through sound therapy (preferably utilizing ear level sound generators) while changing the activity of the central nervous systems response. 
  2. Decrease or remove the tinnitus and/or sound sensitivity from the conscious mind so the patient is no longer negatively affected.  

Our first goal is typically achieved through sound therapy by having the patient wear sound generating devices to stimulate the auditory nervous system with a pleasant, soothing sound.  

The second goal of treatment is what we will focus on today. Research has consistently shown the benefit of treating both tinnitus and sound sensitivities by using cognitive behavioral therapy and emotional regulation through relaxation techniques. 

However, one less talked about method of treating tinnitus and sound sensitivities that shows promise and has been linked to successful habituation is hypnosis. The American Tinnitus Association (ATA) recently published in their trade journal “Tinnitus Today” about the use of hypnotherapy as a successful tool for treating tinnitus.  

Our office currently offers hypnosis in our treatment protocol for those suffering from tinnitus and sound sensitivities.  

When opening our clinic, I knew comprehensive tinnitus and sound sensitivity treatment options are difficult to find. I wanted to create a place where patients could get comprehensive and well-rounded treatment options without seeing multiple practitioners whenever possible. 

While not everyone is a suitable candidate for hypnosis, it is a safe and simple procedure for both children and adults to address the secondary treatment goal:  to decrease or remove the offending sound from the conscious mind so it no longer activates the central nervous systems response to sound. 

While researching the distinct types of hypnosis, I decided to become a Certified RTT® Practitioner so I could offer this service to both adult and pediatric patients whether in-person or remotely.  

RTT® stands for Rapid Transformational Therapy and was developed by Marisa Peer.  Marisa’s techniques have won multiple international awards. Read more about Marisa Peer here. 

RTT® differs from other therapeutic modalities in that it utilizes the assumption that patients can take control of their own healing journey, with the hypnotist guiding them throughout that journey. The RTT® technique for hypnosis takes methodology from psychology, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, healing, NLP, cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling, and coaching.  

It is a fast and efficient therapy for many people. The purpose of this type of hypnosis is to determine the root cause of the issue and the emotions surrounding them and reframe negative beliefs and habits. I know this works because I have seen its significant effects in my own life!    

I chose this mode of hypnosis for multiple reasons: 
  • It has built within it therapies I am already using for patients such as cognitive behavioral therapy and relaxation techniques.  
  • With RTT®, most achieve benefits in 1-3 sessions, compared to other types of hypnosis that may require 20-30 sessions or more. 
  • One session is often all that is needed to achieve desired results. Each session includes a 30-minute intake through a virtual meeting, a 90-minute hypnosis session, a personalized recording to listen to for at least 3 weeks, and a follow-up call. 
  • Patients can be taught self-hypnosis using the same technique for lifelong benefits. 
  • As an RTT® practitioner I can see people from anywhere in the world via Zoom or Microsoft Teams for sessions and RTT® will be one of the foundations of our upcoming tinnitus coaching program. 
Requirements for a successful hypnosis session: 
  • The patient must feel safe and willing to be hypnotized.  A patient who is forced by their spouse or caregiver to attend a hypnosis session is not going to have the same level of results from hypnosis-if any. 
  • If a session is being done virtually, it is crucial there is a good internet connection and that the patient will have privacy without distractions for at least 90 minutes. 
  • The patient should be at least 5 years old and able to relax in the office or virtual setting. However, audio downloads will also be available soon if you feel your child may not tolerate a formal hypnosis session but will listen to an audio consistently at home before bed. 
Myths about hypnosis: 
  • When hypnotized you are not in control. Nothing could be further from the truth! Many people have a vision of stage-hypnosis where the hypnotist is asking for someone to cluck like a chicken or dance like Michael Jackson (I have video proof of my husband doing this at a high-school function 22 years ago). However, in hypnosis, you cannot be coerced into doing something you do not want to do.
  • You will not remember what is being talked about. In fact, in RTT ® you are very aware of what is happening, and you will remember. The whole time you and the practitioner have a conversation while you are in a deeply relaxed state. It is not like what is portrayed in movies and television! For more information on what hypnosis really is read: Looking Beyond the Media Portrayal of Hypnosis by the American Psychological Association. 
  • You will feel as though you are in a deep trance. The truth is most people do not feel like they are in hypnosis when in fact they are. Expect to feel very relaxed. If you have ever done guided meditation or self-hypnosis at home, that is what it feels like to the typical person. 
  • Depth of trance will determine the results of hypnosis. People in light-trance hypnosis achieve benefits equal to those who achieve a deep state of trance. For example, I only achieve a very light trance while being hypnotized and still achieved excellent results after an RTT® hypnosis session I received to alleviate chronic migraine headaches-after only one session! 
  • Hypnosis only works in person and is not as effective using platforms such as Zoom.  Hypnosis has been shown to work just as well virtually as it does in person. While it can be comforting to be in person with your hypnotist, some people prefer to be in their home where they feel the most comfortable. 
  • Children cannot be hypnotized. Children are usually perfect candidates for hypnosis. Because the goal of hypnosis is to quiet the conscious mind to better access the unconscious mind, children often are better able to use their active imaginations to let go of analytical thinking more easily during a session.  
Contraindications for RTT ® hypnosis: 
  • Unmanaged Epilepsy 
  • Patients with psychosis – while hypnosis can be done, it should only be done by a psychiatrist that is skilled at hypnosis for this population. 

Having an RTT® session for tinnitus, hyperacusis, misophonia, or phonophobia is one of the first things I recommend because it is a therapeutic investment with a high success rate in a short period of time. While we still recommend and offer other treatment methodologies such as TRT, PTM, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Sound Therapy, being able to achieve a noticeable difference from the first hypnosis session can be a significant emotional relief for many patients suffering.  

RTT® therapy can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as part of a comprehensive treatment program. Unlike our other audiology services currently offered, a patient need not be in Utah to receive treatment. 

With all our specialties (central auditory processing disorders, tinnitus, and sound sensitivities) we see both children and adults. 

For more information regarding RTT® as a methodology I recommend learning more about Marisa Peer who founded this type of treatment.  

For scholarly articles related to hypnosis as a tinnitus treatment read: 

  1. Brain Activity and Functional Connectivity Associated with Hypnosis  
  2. Efficacy of self-hypnosis for tinnitus relief 
  3. Ericksonian hypnosis in tinnitus therapy  
  4. Effectiveness of Ericksonian hypnosis in tinnitus therapy: preliminary results
  5. Ericksonian hypnosis in tinnitus therapy: effects of a 28-day inpatient multimodal treatment concept measured by Tinnitus-Questionnaire and Health Survey SF-36  

If you are interested in learning if this may be right for you, schedule a no-charge virtual consultation with me (Dr. Lindsey) here.